Part 21: Steamer NPC Chatter 2
Bufuman posted:
It's stealth-inserted into your inventory after you beat the boss. Which means, yes, you can temporarily screw yourself out of magic if Justin and Sue both have full inventories and it goes to Feena. Not sure what happens if all three are full up, but I'm guessing Edward will show that off, either himself or through someone else's footage.
Given the way I play, that scenario happens nearly every time.
It gets sent to the Stashing Place in that instance.
And the reason I didn't mention it is because I'll be able to say more than just "Here's a thing" in the next update.
Speaking of next update I have chapter 9's NPC update ready!
Welcome back! Today's update is only late because the forums went down, and not in any way shape or form because Metal Gear Rising went on sale on Steam.
So let's get started!

: Ahh, that was a nice leave. Parm is a nice town.

: Sir, are you going back home to New Parm?

: Yes. My work in the Garlyle Forces is waiting for ma back in New Parm. Parm was a nice town. But I felt so restless without a weapon in hand. I want to get back to the squad and do some tough combat drills. I wouldn't even mind some real combat.

: This guy sounds dangerous.

: But why did my commander give me such a long leave? I prefer combat to leave.

: I am a man charmed by the New World. I've been to the New World 10 times!

: I know what you mean. I've been wanting to go to the New World for so long.

: It's gotta be the people there. Maybe due to the heat, they are so easygoing and enjoy festivals. Also, they are open and friendly even to strangers. Anyway, the people of New Parm are all good ones.

: I wonder if the adventurers of New Parm are easygoing too?

: If so, I can make friends.

: 126, 127, 128... just how many rats are there? I'm so bored on this ship. Nothing to do but count the rats in the room.

: Really? There are lots of interesting things around the ship.

: ... 247, 248... just how many rats!?

: Sir, you must really be bored.

: Miss, you look pretty happy. Did something nice happen?

: He isn't back from the New World. So I'm going to the New World. A girl in love has no fear. I waited but he didn't come back. So I decided to go to the New World. Wonder what he'll say when we meet? ♥

: But the Captain is so stingy, he won't hire a nurse. He thinks women shouldn't work on ships.

: I've heard that before....

: Isn't that one of the "rules of the sea"?

: Rules, phooey! If we had a nurse, I might just be able to save more lives. The Captain is really stubborn.

: But why does the nurse have to be beautiful?

: Mmm! ... 'Cause that's what I like. If I had a beautiful nurse, it'd help my morale, but the Captain hates women.
This screenshot would be great to take out of context.

: Now that you say so, I've heard of it.

: Hee hee. It does sound interesting.

: The End of the World lies deep in the New Continent. Dunno if it's a cliff or mountain but it is said to be virtually the end of the world.

: Wow, the New World is incredible! There are even such places!

: I can't wait to get there.

: I've never seen it, but it seems to be pretty hard to get to the End of the World.
Oh dear. We'll find out more about her story later.

: Look at just how relaxed I am. Yoo-hoo. Look at ME on a ship! ♪

: Don't worry! I'm having more fun than I can stand! I've got no time to be nervous!

: Hahaha. Son, you're in a good mood! Let's both have a good trip!

: Yikes! Lice? I've got to watch out.

: Ohh, my chest aches and my head is spinning. Could this... be love? The ache in my chest... aah, so this is love! Something is coming... (Urp!)

: Hey, hey! Miss, I said, you're seasick!

: Hmm, being a sailor isn't bad.

: But it you think about it, an adventurer can do that too!

: Yeah! You're right! Hmm! I'm gonna be an ocean adventurer!

: The sea isn't enough for me. I'm gonna go on adventures throughout the world! Good luck to both of us!

: Sir, you're from New Parm!?

: Well, tell me, what kind of place is New Parm?

: Oh, certainly! The sun shines all the time on cheerful adventurers. At the dinner theater, adventurers eat dinner while watching beautiful dancing girls and telling stories.
And finally, tucked away in the corner is our final NPC for this room. Well, there is one more, but he's just the shopkeeper.

: Say, whatcha doin'?

: Oh, I'm practicing my singing. I want to become a singer in New Parm. Oh, I can't wait to get to New Parm. I know! I'll turn the beating of my heart into a song for you. ♥ Aaah, thumpety-thump goes my heart. ♪ The new land of New Parm awaits me with its charm. ♪

: Miss, you don't have to sing for me.

: As a singer, I must practice my singing anytime and anywhere. Tra la la, la la. ♪
See? Just the shopkeeper.
The weapon shop contains the top-tier weapons from Parm, as well as an axe, which could have been picked up earlier, and a paring knife, which Feena begins with anyway.
The armor shop has a few new things. I think.
To be honest, I'm not paying much attention to armor. Aside from keeping Justin equipped with the
Four Three Treasures.
Multitarget healing, cheap healing, and decent healing. In case Rah Rah isn't cutting it for your healing needs.
Even with crappy armor and without Save Point recovery, Rah Rah is cutting it for my healing needs.
Anyway, that's everything.
Until we run into Sue, anyway. Speaking of...
Going around this counterclockwise.

: Hmm, I don't really like throwing people overboard in a barrel.

: So then stop them!

: But if someone breaks the rules of the sea, we have no choice. Take a good look at the demise of one who disobeys the Sea Spirits.

: I don't want to look!

: Hey, boy! There's a stowaway! Might see 'em thrown overboard in a barrel.

: Hey, c'mon, don't say that!

: I don't want to see it myself. But throwing stowaways overboard in a barrel is the rule of the sea. I've never seen someone thrown overboard in a barrel. My first memory of this voyage has a bad aftertaste.

: Right. You gotta stop 'em somehow.

: A stowaway is the kind of rule-breaker the Sea Spirits hate most.

: Aaah, we're really busted. That Sue is so reckless.

: Aahhh.... That poor little girl... I feel sorry for her.

: When I was watching the weather, I found a stowaway this small.

: Say, how did you know that Sue was a stowaway?

: When I asked her who her guardian was she jumped up and ran away. They say that stowaways make the Sea Spirits angry and bring storms. I have to watch the sky closely.

: Hmm. Is that the legend?

: But the Spirits will forgive Sue. She's a smart-aleck but a good kid.

: That girl is quite a problem. I can't even get ahead in repairing my beloved crane "Elizabeth".

: The crane can wait. But not Sue. Please save her, sir.

: You're right. Women do need a lot of care. My "Elizabeth" too.

: Don't compare Sue to a CRANE for gosh sakes.

: Hmm. But if you have a problem with a crane, I'll help you out as much as I can.

: How silly. If you're gonna stow away, do it so ya don't get caught!

: You don't seem to care at all!

: Don't be a fool! I don't wanna see a girl die either! Ahh! Is there no way to save her?

: I want to save Sue, too. Let's put our heads together.
What, you thought I was joking when I said that even the inanimate objects get different text based on the situation?

: Ugh. If I run away now, who knows what she'll say later.
If you try to leave, Sue yells at you. Which is great news because it's one less time I'd have to examine everything in the Captain's room.
Speaking of the Captain...

: Oh no! We've never had such a little stowaway before. But.... We must uphold the rules of the sea.
Talking to Sue triggers the next phase of the conversation. Talking to her again after that...

: Just live with it, Justin. The ship's already sailed. We can't go back to Parm!

: We're off on an adventure!

: You may say so, but I've got a bad feeling about this.
After talking to the captain once, Sue gets an additional line.

: They don't have to be stingy. What's one more on a big ship!? Do something, Justin!

And it is worth putting up with the crazy amount of dialog in this game.
All right. Now Justin and Sue are part of the crew. This means that just about everyone has something new to say.

: Now off to the deck!
I do have to wonder how one pronounces "* * Save Game * *".

Yes sir! I understand!

: Fine. I like your crisp response!

: Don't worry, even the Spirits can't get angry at a beautiful lady like me. ♥

: But I'm not a stowaway.

: Now I've become an apprentice sailor.

: You newbies wouldn't know it, but remember that angering the Sea Spirits will give you no end of trouble.
Take my word for it, we're talking to the hatless sailor guy.

: We won't get in anyone's way.

: Puff Puff!

: Hah hah hah. Newbies are always getting in the way. It was the same with me.
Next up, the engine room.

: I bet even I could do it. Here goes....

: Stop that, Justin! Break it and we'll really get the barrel this time!

: Sue, you think so? The crew doesn't want me to touch it either. I just want to try it out. I AM a sailor... okay, I guess I shouldn't.

: And it's so hot in here. I'm glad they didn't make me work down here.

: But I get to work surrounded by the latest technology, so I don't get really tired. So you're an apprentice too. They do work ya pretty hard on this ship but they're good guys.

: Really? We almost got thrown overboard in a barrel.

: I'm glad we're still alive, though.

: That's it. Look down from the railing over there and see our "latest technology".

: This is better 'an the steam engine. But isn't it too hot in here? Justin, let's get out of here.

: Hee hee. Now I know this thing runs on steam.

: Sue said that about the steam engine. So cool. I'll never get sick of it. But it's hot too.

: Yup, it seems to be that way.
This guy here gives us a little quiz. All three questions have "I don't know" as an option, and they all result in the same response.

: You haven't studied enough. You won't be a good sailor yet.

: This isn't the first time Justin hasn't studied enough, right. ♥

: You're terrible. That's not so, Sue.
And, if you talk to him again after having given a wrong answer...

: Hey, apprentice sailor! How are you doing?

: Ugh. Just cut out the "apprentice" part.

: Puff-Puff-Pufft

: Wah hah hah! OK, then try saying all the rules of the sea.
And with those out of the way, the rest of the answers.

"You gotta learn to swim"?

: Wah hah hah. That sure is funny, but it's not a rule of the sea. That's true for a man of the sea, but even if you can't swim, you can take the Steamer.

Maybe "Don't be a stowaway".

: Well, you have to know some of them!

: He IS scolded all the time. ♪

"You gotta have chest hair".

: Hey, Justin? Isn't that discrimination? How can women obey that rule!?

: But don't you think it's the chest hair that makes a man of the sea?

: Exactly! Look at my chest hair! You know, you sound just like the Captain!

"Don't spill blood in a fight".

: Hmm, you are learning well.

: Of course. Adventurers and sailors are just like brothers!

Maybe "Don't take a bath".

: Umm... I'm disappointed. Who has to obey that rule!?

: Say, Justin? Don't tell me you still haven't taken a bath yet!?

How about "Don't dirty the sea".

: Ho ho. You do understand. Long as you follow the rules you won't feel the wrath of the Sea Spirits.

: So we ARE great sailors. ♥

: Don't get carried away. Not yet, but I'll give you this. Remember to obey the rules.

: That passes for an apprentice sailor. Now you have to work hard to follow the rules of the sea.
Beef Jerky heals a decent amount of HP to a single character. Not too shabby of a reward.

: You know, he even said that I ought to be on my own, without mama! Can you believe that?

: I think he's right!

: Even though mama cried and pleaded he didn't even give me an easy job. That Captain is pretty strict.

: So sir, you have a daughter.

: Then I'll try thinking of something, too. ♥

: Oh, thanks for the help. I just don't know what a girl might like. What do you think of a beautiful ribbon like that in your hair?

: Puff. Puff-Puff?

: Huh, what! Isn't that a ribbon!? A talking ribbon. How extraordinary. I'm sure my daughter would like that. Think they sell that in the New World?

: He WAS born in the New World, but...

: I don't think Puffy is for sale anywhere.

: Hmm, I'd rather become a nice adventurer, though.

: Listen. Sailor's Lesson 1 is to always have a nice smile. If your front teeth shine, perfect.

: That's sort of hard.

: How about this?

: No, no, no, Justin. Ready? This is it.

: Hee hee. ♥

: A nice smile is most basic. You ought to learn it quick.

: It's all Justin's fault. He tried to ditch me.

: Even so, you didn't have to stow away.

: Sue, I can't keep up with you.

: I may look nice but I've done plenty of mischief. I've been in the slammer plenty. But the Captain here took me in. I'll never forget my debt to him as long as I live.

: Wow, what kind of mischief? Did you almost get the barrel yourself?

: Stealing, running out on my tab, graffiti, littering, shoplifting. I've done almost everything.

: Hahaha! He sounds BAD!

: Puff-Puff-Pufft! Puff. Puff-Puff-Pufft!

: Yow! Just a joke. Just a joke, Puffy! Don't get so angry!
Whew. Next time... hopefully we'll at least get to when the Ghost Ship appears.